What is it?

What is it?

Derila - is a unique orthopedic pillow made of quality hypoallergenic materials. Its shape is designed with respect to human anatomy, with a special recess for the neck and raised edges to ensure a comfortable and physiologically correct body position over a long period of time. In addition, it is based on memory foam which adapts individually to each person, ensuring fast falling asleep and a sound, healthy sleep. Use Derila will help its owner to sleep well, not to have in the morning pain in the back, neck and shoulders, get rid of migraines, tinnitus, irritability and feelings of brokenness, snoring, caused by incorrect position of the body and the resulting short, uncomfortable and painful sleep.

Customer Reviews

Ive been wanting to get something like this for a long time. I always had trouble finding a good pillow for me. Some were too low, some were too high. Some made my neck ache in the morning and others made my blood pressure skyrocket. Some pillows had different fillings, too. But I was not completely satisfied with any of them. And this pillow was just perfect for me. It is so good for sleep, that at first I wanted to jump for joy. Now I feel great, I finally get a good nights sleep. All thanks to this miracle.
It is very nice to wake up and realize that my head does not hurt, and the energy in you is just bubbling. I think I felt like that only in my early childhood. And then the opportunity to get a good nights sleep has become a fantasy. Im glad I was wrong. I should have just bought a normal pillow a long time ago, and not to abuse my own body. But better late than never. And that is the purest truth.
I can only write a positive review. The feeling after using this pillow is extremely pleasant. I think the shape is perfect and the ability to adjust individually for each person is a stroke of genius. I am sure that it should be in everyones bedroom. Conventional pillows have long ago become an atavism. We need to look to the future and take care of our health, as manufacturers of such things do.
The materials are very high quality, pleasant to the touch. The form at first glance may seem strange, but thats literally until you put your head on it. Then you realize that it is exactly what you need for a good nights sleep.
With it I fall asleep very quickly, and in the morning I get up as a lark, although all my life I was sure that I was a night owl. But no, it seems I just needed a normal pillow and 8-9 hours of sound sleep without constantly waking up and trying to get the pillow into a comfortable shape. Interesting, though, are the discoveries about oneself. And in this situation - they are pleasant enough, I think.
When I was given it, I thought that I could not sleep on it. Its a very strange shape, a little unaccustomed. At first I put it in the closet, and then completely, I repent, I forgot about it. But then I came across it and decided to try it. And then I realized that my carelessness deprived myself of so many pleasant moments! Just lying on it, even without sleeping, is already pleasant. And the night at all turns into nothing but pleasure. So immediately I say to all, that not to scatter such gifts, and start using from the very first day. Well, or night. But be sure not to put it off, depriving yourself the opportunity to have a good rest.
I was advised to buy this pillow by my doctor when I came to him with complaints of frequent high blood pressure and headaches. The price was quite reasonable, I ordered it and the delivery was fast. After the first night I got rid of tinnitus and dizziness. Now I sleep on it and have no more problems with my health. The doctor was right, thank you very much for that, both him and the seller.
Often have to be away from home on business trips. I always take it with me. It is the only way to get a good nights sleep and then work productively. It fits my size and weight, takes up little space, and a good nights sleep is guaranteed. Several business partners have already bought it on my recommendation and they wont stop praising it for the good effect it has on them. Partly I even consider it my own merit. I was the one who recommended it to them, after all.
I want to separately praise the fact that it does not heat up throughout the night. I, for one, have never liked it. I had to constantly flip my previous pillows after a few hours because they got so hot and it was uncomfortable to lie on them. It made me wake up and then I couldnt fall asleep for a long time. But the manufacturers of this one saved me from such a problem, for which I am truly grateful.
I liked it so much that I ordered it for the whole family. Now we only sleep on them. The quality is wonderful and the effect they have is amazing!

Average rating

Based on 10 reviews on our site, the average rating for this product Derila 4.5

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