What is it?

Foot Trooper

What is it?

Foot Trooper - is an antifungal spray that eliminates itching and inflammation and keeps feet fresh for 24 hours. After lengthy refinements, a powerful ingredient - clotrimazole - was added to the composition. After that, the product became patented and effective, because it destroys the protein structure of the fungus, sterilizes nails from its spores, heals sores and cracks on the heels, dries the skin. Preparation Foot Trooper gets rid of fungus and odor of sweat, prolongs the life of shoes. The recipe was first shared by military paramedic Evan Durham during a peacekeeping mission in Asia. Now the product is on the market as an emergency remedy for mycosis and smelly feet.

Customer Reviews

I began to carry the aerosol with me when I travel, because this is what is needed in extreme conditions. I apply it twice a day to the lesions and do not worry about my appearance. At first I did not believe it. But the spray worked, quickly eliminated the unpleasant odor and reduced sweating. Which is extremely important in the heat. Moreover, no other tool works so good and works fast. I also liked the natural composition and the deodorizing effect. The product takes care of my skin 24 hours a day, even when wearing closed shoes for a long time.
Good care product with a pleasant fragrance. The lemongrass oil in the composition relaxes and the menthol relieves swelling, creates a feeling of coolness. I bought two packs and used them for two months. I want to make another order. The product is inexpensive and worth it: it quickly gets rid of discomfort and keeps my feet fresh for a long time.
I bought Foot Trooper deodorant on the advice of an acquaintance and was pleasantly surprised. The spray is not like other similar products. It works in two directions at once: it protects against fungus and bad odor. This is an excellent antiperspirant for not much money. After reading the detailed description about the product, I found out that it removes to neutralize up to 98% of different kinds of fungus spores. For example, the citrus oil in the composition fights bacteria, prevents further reproduction of mycelium. Silk amino acid extract eliminates excessive sweating and even conditions the skin. Menthol cools, and honey extract softens, moisturizes skin, and heals blisters and abrasions. With Foot Trooper, my feet stopped stinking even after long hikes. Liked that you can use it at home or while camping.
Good remedy for sweat odor: relieves inflammation, keeps feet fresh for up to 24 hours. With it, you really dont have to throw away your recently purchased shoes. I liked the ease of use: I spray on the soles of my feet, wait 1 minute. Then put on clean socks and no more problems. I would like to order a couple more packs to give my feet long-lasting protection from mycosis.
A dermatologist acquaintance told me that there was a good remedy on the manufacturers website. I hurried to order it, because the fungal infection on my leg was progressing. I did not want to lead to complications. I am impressed by the natural composition, deodorizing and caring effect. Aluminum alum reduces sweating, and clotrimazole in the composition destroys many types of fungal infections, prevents further spreading. What a joy it is when your feet no longer stink and only Foot Trooper helped in this - a crushing victory over the complexes. I managed to conquer the fungus in 2.5 months. I want to say thank you very much to the manufacturer.
I took the spray on long trips. I use it according to the directions and I no longer sleep in my socks as I did before. With Foot Trooper, there is no odor or sweat. The spray provides a flawless effect and frosty freshness to my feet the first time. I liked the even injection and the pleasant smell. The deodorant really works. I recommend buying it.
I apply the contents directly into my sneaker. After a few minutes it neutralizes the smell of sweat. The main thing is that my feet are always fresh. Foot Trooper is a good prevention of fungal and bacterial infections. Menthol creates a feeling of coolness, and tea tree essential oils give the epidermis a pleasant fragrance.
Deodorant quickly gets rid of discomfort, which I personally experienced. I have been using it for 3 weeks and my feet dont stink anymore. I would say that Foot Trooper is a real foot caregiver. It has been tested by over 2 million soldiers for a reason. I did not expect it to act as an antiperspirant: it blocks sweating, narrows the ducts of sweat glands, makes my feet feel fresh. The main thing is that the active ingredients penetrate deep under the skin and nail plate, prevent the spread of pathogens, prevent re-infection.
I accidentally heard about Foot Trooper. A friend suggested it. I placed an order. The courier delivered the package. I got rid of itching, flaking and redness in about a week when I used it as prescribed. Unpleasant blisters and rashes were gone. Feet no longer stink. Hopefully the fungal infection wont start to progress again.
I got in on a promotion and bought the product at a discount. Needed to treat a yellowed and split nail. For sure, the fungus spores penetrated deep, but the treatment was successful. I applied the spray twice a day, morning and evening. I wore clean socks every day. Of course, I had to cut the blackness on the nail for a while. But, soon the healthy nail plate began to grow back. Hopefully the fungus wont bother me again.

Average rating

Based on 10 reviews on our site, the average rating for this product Foot Trooper 4.5

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