What is it?

What is it?

Neoveris - is an effective drug that is designed to combat varicose veins, regardless of the cause of its development, form of progression, localization on the body. The product is in the form of a gel, 1 bottle contains 30 ml of therapeutic consistency. The drug is made of troxerutin, extracts of chamomile, butchers needle, horse chestnut. The properties of this gel are strengthening, thinning, analgesic, anti-inflammatory.

Customer Reviews

I didnt want to be treated with drugs that are sold in the pharmacy, because they cause side effects and addiction. So after my varicose veins were diagnosed, I immediately gave up using medication and ordered Neoveris for myself. What can I say about this gel: its easy to use, inexpensive and fast-acting. The drug took away the inflammation of the veins and now I can move around again without pain in my legs - the inflammation of the veins is completely eliminated.
I dont like drugs that are sold at the drugstore. They burden the liver and kidneys and, in my opinion, do more harm than good. So when I got a vein inflammation, I didnt even consider the possibility of going to the pharmacy. I liked the product I bought on the website after the first application. It was not in vain that I counted so much on the properties of natural, rather than pharmaceutical, remedies. Now my veins are fine, thanks to the manufacturers of this gel.
Neoveris is a good product, which at one time helped me significantly, although at the time of the beginning of therapy the inflammation was neglected. I did not even expect that the product, which has a low cost, can be so powerful. The drug absorbs quickly, and I liked it overall. I rubbed the gel according to the instructions - 3 times a day. And every day I recorded only positive dynamics - gradual reduction of veins, elimination of pain and stiffness in my legs. Definitely, this gel should be recommended.
When I had varicose veins, I did not rush to the pharmacy. I searched the web sites for information about more than 50 medicines and I chose this gel. I liked that this product had a completely natural composition. That gave me confidence and a desire to immediately buy the gel and begin the treatment. The drug rubbed in for 30 days, but relief came after the first use of the herbal consistency. Now my veins are fine. I unmistakably chose the remedy out of many, and I am satisfied with the quality of the product.
I bought this product right after I found out that my varicose veins were advanced. I believe that only natural products can cope with the aggravated form of the disease, and I was not mistaken. To eliminate the inflammation, I spent a minimal amount of time and money. Now that the course has been successfully completed, I believe that such an effective product can be recommended.
I liked Neoveris gel because it eliminated the inflammation of the veins quickly and without complications. While the drugs bought in the pharmacy did not provide the desired result, this product caused a cooling effect and then gradually reduced the size of the veins. I liked that the duration of treatment did not exceed 30 days. I should not have wasted time and money on using pharmaceutical options, but immediately bought this natural remedy.
A good product that helped me. The inflammation of the veins was eliminated gradually, but I am satisfied with it. The drug acted comprehensively. Pain, heaviness in my legs, stiffness and cramps were eliminated on the first day - when the gel was completely absorbed into the skin. I have been using it for a month and now the inflammation is gone.
I got varicose veins during pregnancy. I consulted my doctor and he said that after the birth, if I do not plan to breastfeed, I should rub the gel Neoveris. So I did: I used the product as the doctor explained, and within 30 days I got rid of inflammation of the veins. Now I can concentrate on taking care of the baby rather than having to change body position regularly to reduce leg pain.
I developed varicose veins due to being overweight. This product helped me quickly eliminate the inflammation. The product was prescribed by a specialist, which my whole family trusts. The gel not only removed the signs of inflammation - it liquidated the vein lesion itself. Now the blood vessels took a normal position and appearance. I liked the product, thanks to the doctor for the good recommendation.
I bought Neoveris to quickly eliminate vein inflammation and not to spend money on ineffective treatment options. This remedy worked for me. I did not expect any other effect from this natural remedy. It is good that I did not even have to go to the hospital and was able to undergo treatment at home - it is comfortable and allows you to avoid unnecessary motor activity, which in varicose veins, is very difficult.

Average rating

Based on 10 reviews on our site, the average rating for this product Neoveris 4.4

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