What is it?

What is it?

O Caps are capsules that help improve vision. Suitable for people of all ages. It can be used, both in the presence of eye health problems, and as a preventive measure. The main components in the composition are: beta-carotene, vitamins E and C, zinc. There are no contraindications for use. It is recommended to use 3 times a day before meals. The minimum course duration is 30 days. Functions of O Caps:
  • Relieves unpleasant symptoms such as tiredness, redness, dry eyes.
  • Restores sharpness and clarity of vision.
  • It is a prophylactic against many diseases (glaucoma, cataracts and others).
  • Strengthens the eye muscles and eye vessels.
  • Improves blood supply to the eyes.
After a course of treatment with O Caps, the ability to distinguish colors, see the outlines of objects more clearly, and read small print may improve. And of course, the eyes will not get tired from prolonged work at the computer or reading a book.

Customer Reviews

Oh, I really liked the O Caps. The effect is noticeable after a week. I work as a teacher at a school, because of the frequent checks of notebooks and work at the computer, my vision began to deteriorate. I went to the hospital, they prescribed glasses. But I don’t like them, I never wore them, and I don’t want to start. I decided to take some vitamins. But after researching many sites on the topic of vision, I stumbled upon O Caps. There were a lot of positive reviews, I decided to take a chance and buy. I am very satisfied with the result, I recommend it to everyone!
I bought O Caps as a gift for my parents, I can’t say anything myself, but they are happy.
I bought O Caps for prevention, for the whole family. The effect is noticeable with regular use. Everyone is happy, I even stopped wearing glasses when watching TV.
Ive been wearing glasses all my life, Ive even forgotten how I look without them. I decided on laser correction, but at the last moment my parents dissuaded me. They are afraid that something will go wrong, I will completely lose my sight. Mom bought me O Caps, I have been taking them for 2.5 months. I still wear glasses, but I noticed that I can see a little better without them. I will continue to take further, I hope someday perfect vision will return to me.
I have good eyesight, but my eyes often get tired when using the phone for a long time. It would seem that the solution is to spend less time on the phone. But thats what my job is. I decided to try O Caps, I noticed that my eyes are already much less tired, redness has disappeared.
I bought O Caps for my mother, Im worried about her health. Recently, she began to often complain about her eyesight, and she was prescribed glasses in the hospital. But she categorically does not want to wear them, says that they do not suit her. A friend advised these capsules, said she bought her dad. I decided to try. Mom is happy, and her eyesight is good, and there are no hated glasses.
I always had excellent eyesight, I even saw the bus number before reaching the bus stop. But in recent years, I began to notice that I see not so clearly. I went to the hospital, they said it was due to age-related changes. You should not worry, but it is advisable to visit an ophthalmologist once a year. I decided not to bring the situation to the point where my vision deteriorated greatly. My wife bought drops, I take it every day, until Im happy with everything.
I have good eyesight, but my daughter ... She is constantly on the phone and at the computer, spoiling her eyesight. A friend advised O Caps, said that she takes it herself and there is an effect. My daughter has been taking it 3 times a day for about a week, and she says that her eyesight has really gotten a little better.
I work in an office, constantly sitting at a computer and papers. My eyesight is good, but my eyes often get tired and watery. I began to worry that later I would not see well. Found these capsules online. Long doubted whether to buy or not, but in the end decided. And did not regret! After work, this terrible feeling of discomfort, like sand in the eyes, disappeared. I took the capsules for 3 weeks. I have recommended to all my friends and colleagues.
Vision began to deteriorate during the period of study at school. But then I did not attach much importance to this. I didnt even wear glasses! But this year, when I entered the university, I noticed that it is difficult to read something from the blackboard even from the second desk. Complain to mom. She advised these capsules, said that she herself has been taking them for a month. I bought capsules, took it twice a day before meals. A week later, I noticed that my eyes are not so tired when working at a computer and reading a textbook. At the moment, I have been taking capsules for half a month, my vision is improving a little. Lets see what will happen next!

Average rating

Based on 10 reviews on our site, the average rating for this product O Caps 4.4

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