What is it?

What is it?

Traugel - is an innovative drug designed to eliminate joint diseases and prevent the development of such pathologies. The product is in the form of a cream, one tube contains 50 ml of therapeutic consistency. The composition of the product is an extract of alfalfa, horse chestnut and peppermint. Product properties - analgesic, anti-inflammatory, restorative, strengthening. Product passed the examination, received a certificate of quality.

Customer Reviews

I had osteochondrosis, no medication provided a positive result - only briefly relieved the discomfort in my back. Unlike them, Traugel cream quickly eliminated the signs of the disease, and then, within a month, eliminated the disorder itself. I did not even have to take additional pain medication - this natural remedy coped on its own.
I liked this product with its composition and cost - after all, the price is also not the least important. As for the effectiveness of the product, here I can only express my delight, because my well-being began to improve gradually on the first day of treatment. I am pleasantly surprised that the cream has provided positive results so quickly. Ready to recommend this product.
I am pleased that I became aware of this product in such a timely manner. If I had delayed with the treatment, the joint would have been completely destroyed. But with the help of Traugel natural cream, I had my cartilage back to normal and quickly improved my health. Now I move around without pain in the body and I didnt even have to use any antibiotics - this product coped by itself. Thanks to the creators of such products.
I have a more favorable attitude to natural products than to pharmaceutical analogues. So when the need arose to undergo treatment, I bought this cream and rubbed it into the problem area of the body 3 times a day. The treatment was short but useful - the joint was restored. Once again, I am convinced that you should only trust natural products, not those made of chemicals.
The struggle with gout seemed unequal - the pains were recurring daily, and because of the swelling of my feet sometimes I could not even put on my shoes. The remedies prescribed by the doctor were useless - only wasted money on them. The drug Traugel, which I learned about from the users of the forum, differs from the medicines that were previously recommended to me by my doctor: first of all, the effectiveness and speed of action. It only took me a month to eliminate the gout. I should have counted on this remedy from the beginning, instead of going to hospitals.
Bumped my arm during a workout, the injury resolved, but the pain in the joint remained. Then I bought this cream and started using it according to the instructions. I had no difficulty with it during therapy: the package insert accompanying the product gave detailed information about how and when to apply it. The package insert that came with the product was very detailed and detailed about when to apply it. The pain was immediate and the treatment was complete and I have no problems with my arm now.
One day I saw an advertisement for Traugel on the website and decided to order the cream to relieve pain in my legs. I liked that the product has a natural composition. On the first day of treatment my lower leg pain became less intense, then the discomfort disappeared completely. After a week, swollen skin disappeared and my feet became smaller in width. Within a month I was completely on my feet - and in the literal sense of the expression.
I think that such an effective drug could have cost more. So I was just lucky to find this cream and have an effective treatment without overpaying. Thanks to the properties of the product, I not only eliminated the symptoms of osteochondrosis, but also restored directly the cartilage of the intervertebral discs. Now my back pain does not bother me and I feel like a full-fledged person.
When I was diagnosed with osteoarthritis, the doctors prescribed medication, but there were no guarantees. Took the recommended antibiotic, but it only temporarily reduced the pain - as soon as I stopped taking the drug, the discomfort resumed. Then I started looking for a way out on my own and found out about this cream. In just 4 weeks, eliminated the inflammation of the joints, removed the swelling that had occurred in my legs, and began to move like a full person.
Treated with this cream for exactly one month and am ready to share my impression of the product. I didnt do anything extra or complicated to remove the arthritis - just rubbed the product according to the instructions and didnt wash it off my skin. The treatment lasted about a month. During this period, I removed not only the signs of inflammation, but directly the lesion of the joints themselves. The amazing thing is that I did not use any antibiotics or analgesics: I only used Traugel according to the instructions and did not skip a single day. I think this cream is well worthy of a positive review.

Average rating

Based on 10 reviews on our site, the average rating for this product Traugel 4.6

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