What is it?

Energy Beauty Bar

What is it?

The Energy Beauty Bar is an ionic-type viromassager that uses a galvanic current flowing between the head of the device and the dermis to enhance the effect on the skin. The device provides a low-frequency effect on the skin, which leads to increased tissue permeability, improved absorption of nutrients, more effective action of gels, lotions, and creams.

Customer Reviews

The Chinese have pleased us again. Well done - while other manufacturers are just thinking about something new, they are already launching an innovative product on the market. I'm talking about an ionic vibrating massager called Energy Beauty Bar. The device, according to the positioning of the manufacturer, for improving the skin of the face. It has a main working T-shaped tip, covered with gold, and an additional one - on the other side of the handle, rounded for acupressure. As I understand it, the device provides a bioenergetic massage, due to which the skin of the face quickly improves - it becomes taut, wrinkles and other problems go away. I tested the massager, impressions and results are amazing. I advise you not to be afraid that it is made in China; in the Celestial Empire there are good engineers who produce decent products.
The years, unfortunately, do not pass without a trace. Especially for the skin of the face - according to its condition, you can immediately determine how old a person is. It is not for nothing that many devices, creams, gels have been invented that allow you to eliminate the problem, reduce its manifestation. I used all this too. It helped, of course, but more for a short time. The process was not blocked, the condition, although less noticeably, worsened. I saw in the media information about a vibrating massager from the Middle Kingdom with a gold-plated working head. It is ionic, provides a physiotherapeutic effect on the skin. Although expensive for a pocket, I bought it. I don’t regret it. The manufacturer's promise is achieved almost immediately. True, in order to consolidate everything, it is necessary to regularly engage in a person for at least a month for 2 ... 3 minutes a day.
Gave my wife a facial massager from China. It is called Energy Beauty Bar. Tired of watching her toil all the time, wanting to look good. The idea of ​​such a gift was prompted by a fishing comrade, whose wife has been using it for a long time and responds well. My half took the gift with doubt - before that, she burned herself by ordering some kind of rejuvenation cream on the Internet. But she began to use it daily, as the instruction says.After a while, I began not to recognize my wife - I became younger, my face became the same as I saw him ten years ago. I advise other men - a good gift.
News has surfaced about a new ionic vibratory massager from China called Energy Beauty Bar. By that time I already had a similar one, but the new product was interested in the gold coating of the working head. This means that gold ions are involved in the process of improving the dermis of the face. This became the main thing that prompted me to buy it. I was not disappointed. Indeed, with its help, the most common problems with the skin of the face are eliminated. This happens quickly, the effect is much better than when using analogs.
My wife saw a facial massager at her friend's. She told her a bunch of compliments about him. In general, my wife began to press me that she wanted one for herself. I persuaded - I began to get acquainted with various devices of this type on the Internet. Chose Energy Beauty Bar, which is supplied to our market from China. Unlike most analogs, it has a simpler design and, most importantly, a gold-plated working head. According to the manufacturer, the device provides ion exchange, delivering noble metal ions to the dermis. This, he claims, leads to the rapid elimination of skin imperfections. The wife has been using the massager for a month now and is delighted with it. She claims that she did not even think that it was possible to rejuvenate the skin on the face with it.
I tried the Chinese vibrating massager Energy Beauty Bar with my daughter when I came to her to sit with her grandson. She and her husband went on vacation, advised me to take care of my face and showed the device how to use it. I followed her advice, for two weeks every day I treated the skin on my face with this device. The daughter who arrived was amazed at my appearance. Yes, I myself have already noticed that the wrinkles have disappeared somewhere, the skin has become smoother, more elastic. Now I think that I need to buy a device for myself.
In recent years, the Chinese have begun to produce many cosmetic devices with gold or gilded working organs. This also applies to the Energy Beauty Bar massager. One can agree, disagree with the statement that the presence of gold improves the performance of devices. But this one shows really excellent results and surpasses, according to my feelings, analogs. I use it for a month, every day. The face really rejuvenated. Even at work they notice it.Before, after all, I used other methods and did not hear such things addressed to me.
Do you want your face to really look younger? Then the Energy Beauty Bar device will definitely help you. It is an ionic vibrating massager, with a gold working part, which ensures the penetration of gold ions into the dermis. Due to this and other properties that distinguish among analogs, the device is effective for eliminating any skin problems. Everything said has been tested by me personally. I advertise a massager for one reason - I want the women around me to rejoice, like me, in their beauty.
The Energy Beauty Bar massager quickly became my favorite device for maintaining a youthful complexion. With its help, the collagen framework of the dermis is quickly strengthened, tissues are restored. It provides faster and more effective penetration of creams, gels, lotions into the skin. I did not notice such an effect in analogs.
Thanks to the new electric massager from the Middle Kingdom with a golden working body, even myself began to like it. Previously, when I used other means, there was still something that would lead to frustration - I always wanted the ideal. And with the Energy Beauty Bar I achieved this. And quite quickly.

Average rating

Based on 10 reviews on our site, the average rating for this product Energy Beauty Bar 4.5

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