What is it?


What is it?

HerSolution is a high quality product designed to relieve vaginal dryness reliably. The drug is intended for home therapy. 1 package of the drug contains 30 tablets. The product has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, corrective, moisturizing, nourishing properties. Gynecologists approve of the possibility of treatment with these pills, because they are not only effective, but also completely harmless to health. The product has been issued a high quality certificate.

Customer Reviews

I liked the HerSolution tablets because they are made only from ingredients of natural origin. I took the tool for 1 month. The drug did not cause health problems and vice versa - it helped to get rid of hormonal imbalance. Now intimacy does not give me pain, and I am pleased that I was lucky to buy this remedy at a normal price.
Intimacy began to deteriorate due to the fact that I was not producing enough lubricant. To remedy the situation, I began to look for the best remedy for myself. These pills caught my attention right away - nowadays it is rare to find a completely natural drug. It was not in vain that I hoped for these products. I noticed a noticeable improvement in sexual health after the first week of using the pills. Now everything is in order in the intimate sphere. I didn't even have to take hormones, thanks to this remedy.
I bought the pills on the recommendation of a gynecologist friend. He said that this drug does not cause side effects and helps to establish the production of natural secretions. In fact, it turned out to be so. The drug increased the amount of lubricant released. This had a beneficial effect on the quality of intimate life, because now I do not have to endure vaginal dryness, since it has been eliminated.
The drug was able to improve the quality of my sex life in less than 1 month. Previously, I had to endure pain and burning sensation during intercourse. The reason is insufficient secretion production. But with the help of these pills, the situation has changed dramatically in my favor. The normal amount of lubrication is now produced and libido has increased.
HerSolution turned out to be exactly what I needed: it does not contain anything superfluous, it works quickly, but at the same time it is safe. In just a month of using these pills, I have eliminated such a problem as vaginal dryness, and intimacy is no longer accompanied by unpleasant sensations.
The fact that this is an effective remedy was written to me on the forum when I asked users how you can get rid of vaginal dryness. I liked the product from the first days of its use: my libido increased, and a sufficient amount of lubrication began to be produced. Although I noticed the improvement immediately, the course was completely completed. It was not in vain that I listened to the recommendation and bought this drug.
The drug normalized the state of my women's health in just 1 course, the duration of which did not exceed 30 days. During the treatment and after its completion, I did not have a single complication. But the quality of sex life has become much higher than before. Although I didn't even have to take hormones.
When I told my doctor that I suffer from vaginal dryness and because of this I endure pain during intimacy, I thought that he would prescribe hormonal treatment. But I was lucky - the doctor recommended that I undergo therapy using a natural remedy, and prescribed the drug HerSolution. The tablets not only did not cause side effects, but also helped to establish the production of lubricant in just 1 month. The treatment did not cause any difficulties and now I can lead a full-fledged intimate life: thanks to the doctor who prescribed a good treatment option.
Once I had thrush, I underwent treatment, but due to the long inflammatory process that was in my genitals, a problem with the production of lubricant began. Due to the fact that she was released in insufficient quantities, during intimacy I was worried about a burning sensation, and I wanted to immediately stop the actions of my partner. I chose these pills for the treatment. I liked them with the composition, in which I did not find a single superfluous component. It's good that out of all the options, I opted for this particular product. Now intimate life has become brighter and more stable.
I liked HerSolution tablets. The drug replaces hormonal therapy and douching with decoctions of medicinal plants.To normalize the production of lubricant, I just needed to take the products taking into account the information prescribed in the instructions. Now my sex life causes only positive emotions in me.

Average rating

Based on 10 reviews on our site, the average rating for this product HerSolution 4.6

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