What is it?


What is it?

Prostovit - is an innovative drug designed to eliminate prostatitis. The product is made in the form of a liquid concentrate. The drug is made only of natural ingredients, among which are extracts of pumpkin seeds, sea holly stem, nettle, as well as selenium and vitamin complex. The product is intended for use at home. The concentrate replaces antibiotics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, hormones and other medicines. The product has a certificate of conformity of high quality. Urologists are positive about the possibility of using this product, which indicates its effectiveness and safety for health.

Customer Reviews

The drug that I tried to eliminate prostatitis did not help me - as I went to the toilet 5 times an hour, and continued to do so. Then I decided to change the remedy and ordered Prostovit. I liked the drops because of their completely natural composition, so I didnt doubt their effectiveness. The treatment lasted no longer than a month. Now my health is completely fine. First the number of urges decreased, then the pain was eliminated. I should have bought these products in the first place.
I have been unlucky for a long time when it comes to buying medications for prostatitis. Some remedies were unreasonably expensive, others contained a lot of synthetic impurities and caused complications. But when I found out about these drops, I bought them without any doubts about their effectiveness. The drug did not let me down - began to act quickly, powerfully. In a month the prostatitis was completely eliminated. I wish I had known about this remedy before.
Several months ago I bought Prostovit on the website. My order was delivered very quickly, so I started the treatment immediately. The more so as I could no longer tolerate pain that occurs during urination, it was no longer possible. The treatment was short but effective. First the painful sensations decreased, and then they disappeared completely. Urination became normal, without frequent urges and urine escaping in droplets. It is good that I found such a useful drug.
I am completely satisfied with this concentrate - it does not contain anything unnecessary, inexpensive, suitable for home treatment. I took the remedy clearly according to the instructions, I was not distracted from the established schedule. I do not regret that I made the decision to buy these particular drops. Now everything is fine with the prostate. And the inflammation is eliminated and the potency is fully restored. Ready to recommend this product to all men who need to eliminate prostatitis.
The drops turned out to be really good - fast-acting, effective, harmless. Now I dont have to constantly endure excruciating pain while urinating - it no longer bothers me. Also, body temperature is normalized, chills are eliminated, I go to the bathroom normally, not as before - 20 times a day. It is good that there is such a natural product.
I was advised to take Prostovit by my urologist. He said that doctors now often prescribe this particular product because it is not addictive, quickly removes prostatitis, harmless to health. As soon as I started taking this product, I immediately understood why it is so in demand. In 4 weeks I got rid of prostatitis completely, now I am ready to recommend these drops myself to those who want to get rid of inflammation quickly.
I did not go for prostate massage - I am not ready to endure this humiliating procedure. Therefore, in order to regain my health, but to do it in the most gentle way possible, I bought these drops and started taking them according to the instructions. As it turned out, the drug acts comprehensively and quickly. The treatment helped me - now the prostatitis is completely eliminated. I didnt even have to take antibiotics.
Prostovit drops eliminated prostatitis, at a time when the expensive drugs I bought in the pharmacy were absolutely useless. The drug removed the disease completely, rather than masking its signs. Now I go to the toilet without failing - a full-fledged stream, painless, not as often as before. I liked this remedy, I recommend it to everyone who wants to undergo treatment quickly and without complications.
My doctor said I had chronic prostatitis and advised me to start treatment immediately. The urologist prescribed me Prostovit, explained how to take this concentrate. I liked the remedy - it did not cause complications and helped eliminate prostatitis in just 1 month. I think I was very lucky to have a doctor who understands the issue of selecting effective drugs.
The remedy that I used before, did not help to remove the inflammation of the prostate gland. But this natural product turned out to be radically different - it began to help from the first day of treatment. Not only the pain syndrome, but also the inflammatory process itself was eliminated. I did not think that a truly effective remedy could be inexpensive.

Average rating

Based on 10 reviews on our site, the average rating for this product Prostovit 4.3

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