What is it?

What is it?

Steplex - is a product that is designed to eliminate joint diseases and consists of natural ingredients (including menthol, coffee, lemon, chestnut extract). The drug can be used by men and women. The product form is a gel, 1 bottle contains 25 ml. It is designed for use at home. The properties of this product are anti-inflammatory, analgesic, strengthening, warming. Orthopedists approve the possibility of treatment with this gel.

Customer Reviews

Years of karate training led me to develop the initial stages of arthritis from smashing bricks with the ribs of my hands at age 53. My symptoms were exacerbated by discomfort in the ligaments and tendons of my hands and feet. But the problem was eliminated when my spouse bought this gel for me. It took away the pain, strengthened the bone and ligament apparatus and allowed me to continue practicing my favorite sport with systematic trips to training camps.
The diagnosis announced by the doctor took me by surprise: arthritis of the ankle. Creams and various medicines gave only short-term results, after which I had to endure the pain again and make another appointment with the doctor. If not for the timely solution in the form of Steplex, I would have been swirling in the vortex of hospital appointments and diagnostic manipulations. This gel exceeded expectations and allowed me to get rid of my arthritis quickly.
I had no idea that arthritis treatment would be so affordable and effective. But a neighbor changed my mind as he had ordered the product a month earlier and cured mild arthritis in literally 30 days. I decided to follow his example and after a few days used the gel - instantly gone pain, improved motor activity, now I continue treatment and all satisfied.
Our sons Stills disease progressed rapidly. The doctor prescribed corticosteroid anti-inflammatory drugs and physical therapy, but the efficacy was low. Rapid improvement came after the purchase of Steplex. This gel pleasantly surprised, significantly reducing his symptoms in the first week of use, and then allowed our son to even sign up for his local basketball team.
I had been suffering from psoriatic arthritis for a long time and was tired of ineffective treatments. This gel, which was advised to me by a friend, helped me to get rid of significant skin lesions and joint pain. I do not regret one bit, now I have almost recovered with its help and continue to use the remedy daily according to the instructions.
When my husband and I first brought my daughter for a checkup, scoliosis was suspected, but the doctor diagnosed initial stage spondylitis. It is good that we discovered the problem in time, otherwise no one knows where the pathology would have led. The prescribed course of treatment included a set of exercises and gymnastics, as an additional measure, we used Steplex three times a day and after two months there was no trace of previous problems. I now realize that this gel was instrumental in our daughters recovery.
On my initial visit to the treatment facility, I was diagnosed with arthritis. How to strengthen the bone and ligament apparatus I did not know. But the doctor advised some drugstore remedies, which, as it turned out later, relieved the discomfort only for a few hours due to the presence of anesthetics in the composition. I wanted to get rid of the cause of the pathology and ordered this gel, which in a month and a half allowed me to recover and start strength training at the gym.
Good thing I caught on in time and went to the city hospital where I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. There were plenty of treatment options, but I chose this particular gel, which I applied morning, afternoon and evening to the problem areas until completely absorbed. As a result, I was able to significantly reduce my symptoms in the form of pain, morning stiffness, and weakness. I am now on a calcium diet and have regular physical therapy treatments.
After jogging I felt discomfort in my knees, and the nature of its manifestation was alarming with each passing day, until I went to the appropriate doctor. The rheumatologist identified osteoarthritis, and said that the disorder was caused by a previous injury. The diagnosis is serious, so the treatment should be the same: I chose to use this particular gel. In 3 weeks, the inflammation was stopped, the pain is gone, and I can run in the morning again.
Constant swelling, pain and even redness prevented me from living normally, until I found out that you can use a special gel based on natural ingredients. As a result, in 4 weeks of therapeutic course I managed to get rid of painful sensations, now I am confident in my health and easily use the stairs to develop the bone and ligament apparatus.

Average rating

Based on 10 reviews on our site, the average rating for this product Steplex 4.4

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