What is it?


What is it?

Veniselle - is a high quality product that can be used to eliminate varicose veins of various shapes, degrees of severity, causes of development and localization. The product is in the form of a cream, 1 tube contains 50 ml. The drug is intended for treatment at home. The product performs the function of antibiotic, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication, analgesic. The product is certified, regularly receives positive feedback - from customers and practitioners.

Customer Reviews

I got varicose veins because I used to have to lift weights at work. I did not know the best way to get rid of the disease. I was even ready to buy expensive medicines, but I did not have to, because a friend recommended Veniselle. I liked this cream immediately: it absorbs quickly, it is natural and can be used at home. It is good that there are such useful products now. I got rid of varicose veins in just 1 month and now I feel great.
I had problems with veins for a long time. I had to wear special compression underwear to make it a little easier. But even this tactics didnt help me in every case. Then I turned to a phlebologist and he advised me to buy this cream. I used it exactly as recommended by the doctor and all in four weeks I got rid of varicose veins without a trace. I now move around without pain in my legs and overall I am satisfied with the quality of the product.
Inflamed veins gave me a lot of trouble - I had to regularly make foot baths, wear compression stockings, mask the problem areas of the legs with clothes. With the advent of this cream, the situation has changed for the better. In 1 month I got rid of the inflammation completely, made the blood vessels strong and hardy. My only regret is that I did not know about this remedy before.
I thought my joints were getting worse but the cause of my leg pain was varicose veins. I thought that my feet were starting to hurt but the cause of this pain was varicose veins and I always looked for a suitable remedy but out of natural products I found only this cream. I bought it and used it at home without going to the doctor. Inflammation of the veins gradually decreased, but within 1 month it was completely eliminated. This quality product can only recommend, it compares favorably with counterparts.
The medications I had used before provided only a short-term effect. Unlike all those drugs, Veniselle cream worked quickly, accurately, without complications. More than six months have passed since I completed the course, and the previous signs of inflammation have not returned. I understand that the efficacy of the product can only be explained by its natural composition.
I was satisfied with the quality of the drug. I used the remedy according to the instructions for four weeks. Taking into account that I began treatment only when the inflammation had become severe, I do not think that the period of therapy is a long one. On the very first day I felt relief in the part of my leg where the veins were inflamed. Then I realized that walking was not as uncomfortable as before. Now I feel great and have no recollection of the disease, as it is completely eliminated.
I am not accustomed to taking pills. So when I noticed that my veins were inflamed, I immediately began to look for a product that did not contain any chemical impurities. I liked Veniselle cream for its composition. I did not expect that today you can find a product that does not contain a single synthetic substance. Knowing that the product has a natural composition, I was not even surprised when the treatment began to benefit me. After 4 weeks not a single sign of varicose veins had been left.
I did not think that now you can find a product that does not contain a single artificial substance. But when I heard about this cream, I realized that natural products do exist. I used it for 4 weeks, rubbing it in according to the schedule, without missing a single day. On the first day of the pain in my legs decreased, and after a month there was no trace of varicose veins. I think I was just lucky to find this quality product.
I have heard a lot of good things about this drug from friends. I also know that if it is a completely natural product, it does not do any harm and is guaranteed to relieve inflammation. In my case, this is exactly what happened. In one month I have completely eliminated the disease, and such symptoms as heavy legs and swollen veins were removed even earlier. It is good to know that there are such effective options now.
Because of varicose veins, my legs were hurting so much that I was ready to buy even expensive antibiotics - just to remove the inflammation. Fortunately, this was not necessary, and the inexpensive Veniselle cream fixed my veins. The treatment lasted no longer than a month. But the pain was gone the very first day. I am now personally convinced that effective treatment does not always have to be expensive.

Average rating

Based on 10 reviews on our site, the average rating for this product Veniselle 4.4

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