What is it?


What is it?

Vigorelle is an innovative product specially designed for women. The tool has a stimulating property and is intended to increase libido, moisturize the mucous membrane of the genital tract, increase sensitivity during intimacy. Gynecologists and endocrinologists approve of the use of this drug, since it is not only effective, but also harmless to women's health. The product has passed laboratory and clinical examination, has proven its benefits, including the ability to maintain the achieved result. The product has been officially issued with a high quality certificate.

Customer Reviews

The drug helped me to establish an intimate life in less than 1 month. The product has high disinfecting properties, and it also fully moisturizes vaginal tissues after the first application. Thanks to the complex effect of this cream, during each intimacy, I do not experience dryness and discomfort in the vagina, and I do not want to interrupt sexual intercourse as soon as possible.
The remedy turned out to be effective because it improved the quality of my intimate life. If earlier during intimacy I had a burning sensation in the genital tract, then thanks to this cream, the contact occurs without unpleasant symptoms. It's good that out of all the options, I chose this particular product - it is better than just a lubricant.
Vigorelle is an effective cream, because with its help I was able to take my intimate life to a new, higher level. The drug turned out to be not only effective, but also easy to use. To achieve the desired result, I just needed to apply the product before each intimacy. The quality of the drug deserves a positive review.
I have heard many reviews about this cream, and they are all positive. Only after personal use of this drug, I realized why everyone likes it so much. First, it is quickly absorbed, induces libido and moisturizes the intimate area. Secondly, it does not cause health problems. Thirdly, an adequate cost has been established for it. I also liked this tool, and I am ready to recommend it.
For a long time, I endured unpleasant sensations directly during intimacy. It was uncomfortable for me to admit this to my husband.To change the situation for the better, I bought Vigorelle and began to apply it before every intimate relationship. The product turned out to be 100% what I needed - it is quickly absorbed, moisturizes the mucous membranes from the first minutes of contact with the skin. And most importantly, it stimulates the appearance of libido. Never before has my sex life been so bright.
I liked the drug with all its properties - moisturizing, nourishing, stimulating the appearance of libido. Recently, due to fatigue and a lot of work, there was no time for intimacy. And thanks to this cream, I again remembered that I can be active in the intimate sphere, and I need a stable relationship. It's good that now you can buy such useful options and apply them without involving specialists.
After childbirth, sensitivity in the intimate area decreased. In order to have a full sex life again, I bought this stimulant and began to use it according to the instructions. The drug turned out to be of high quality, because it returned my libido in just 1 month. Thanks to this tool, I increased the sensitivity in the intimate area, and now every intimacy gives me only pleasant sensations.
Due to hormonal imbalance, I had unpleasant sensations during intimacy. I learned that this happens if natural lubrication is not produced enough and the mucous membrane becomes dry. To remedy the situation, I bought Vigorelle - I liked this cream right away: its composition, price, the ability to undergo therapy at home. Now I lead a full-fledged intimate life and am grateful to the manufacturer of this product - it helped and did not cause side effects.
I learned about this tool during communication on one of the women's forums. I bought the drug and decided to use it exactly as written in the instructions. The product is not like a regular lubricant, because in addition to moisturizing, it also increases sensitivity during each intercourse, and this has a beneficial effect on its quality. I am pleased with the purchase.
I liked the composition of Vigorelle. I found out that this product consists only of organic components, therefore, in my opinion, it surpasses analogues only in this. In fact, the remedy turned out to be exactly what I needed: it removed the feeling of dryness in the genital tract and increased my activity associated with the intimate sphere.I didn’t expect that today it is possible to buy such high-quality products inexpensively.

Average rating

Based on 10 reviews on our site, the average rating for this product Vigorelle 4.5

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