What is it?

Wintex Ultra

What is it?

Wintex Ultra - is an effective drug that is designed to eliminate varicose veins. The product is in the form of a gel, 1 tube contains 30 ml. The product contains troxerutin, chestnut, chamomile and needlewort extract. The drug has anti-inflammatory, anticoagulant, analgesic, relaxing ability. Phlebologists approve the idea of using this gel, because it removes varicose veins and fixes the result achieved.

Customer Reviews

My varicose veins came on unexpectedly - it was probably caused by the fact that I had to carry heavy things at work. The inflammation of the veins was so pronounced that I even had to take analgesics. I went to the doctor already at a stage when it was impossible to tolerate the pain. The doctor prescribed the product and explained to me in detail how to use it. The drug began to work 10 minutes after it was applied to the skin. It only took me 1 month to remove the inflammation and I am satisfied.
Drugs that are sold in the pharmacy are not for me, as most of them are harmful to my health. Therefore, when it was necessary to remove varicose veins, without unnecessary thinking I bought Wintex Ultra and started using this gel according to the instructions. The drug removed the disorder in 1 month, but the pain, which was restricting my legs, was eliminated already on the first day of therapy. Another confirmation that it is better to be treated with natural, not pharmaceutical means.
Because of varicose veins, I had to observe bed rest. To no longer endure the pain, I decided to buy this gel and get rid of the inflammation that affected my veins. I did not get my hopes up for this product in vain. I did not have to rub the product for a long time to restore my health - the total duration of therapy was a month. The veins became normal - now they are not swollen and not enlarged. Treatment successfully passed, I can only recommend this remedy.
I have a good impression of the drug. After unsuccessful attempts to treat with expensive remedies bought in the drugstore, I came to the conclusion that Wintex Ultra gel was markedly different from them. It began to help in the matter of eliminating varicose veins from the first day of therapy. It is good that there is such an effective and at the same time hypoallergenic product.
The doctor told me that I had high blood density and that the inflammation of the veins was caused by this disorder. Then the doctor recommended that I use this preparation. I rubbed the gel into the skin above the problem veins, and gradually saw positive results. At first I felt less pain in my legs, then my veins began to shrink in size. I went to the doctor again, and he said that the treatment with this gel helped me. I did not go through the course for nothing.
Varicose veins arose because of a family predisposition. So I know for sure that inflammation can be eliminated only through natural products. Wintex Ultra, in my opinion, fully meets the requirements for effectiveness and safety for health. The product lived up to my expectations. Pain, cramps and other symptoms were quickly eliminated in a few days. To completely eliminate the pathology, I did not even have to additionally apply antibiotics and other medicines - the gel coped on its own.
I worked out at the gym and did not even notice how I exceeded the permissible load. This led to the development of health problems. The veins in my legs became inflamed and became pronounced from my knees to my groin. In order to correct the disorder I consulted a doctor. He prescribed the rubbing of this gel and my problem gradually disappeared in a month. It is good that I turned to a specialist in time.
Wintex Ultra is the only product that helped me in the issue of eliminating varicose veins. Means rubbed exactly one month according to the instructions. But my veins began to gradually decrease much earlier. From the instructions I learned that the course should be taken continuously. Therefore, I did not deviate from the schedule and used the gel properly. Now I can move around without pain in the body and the veins took the same position and are no longer elevated above the surface of the skin.
The cooling effect that this gel provided allowed me to see its effectiveness. Therefore, I decided not to replace the remedy with analogues, but to take a course at the expense of the use of this natural product. And not in vain: now varicose veins are completely eliminated, thanks to the developers of this inexpensive and effective product.
I liked all the criteria: price, speed of action, natural composition. I did not think that I could get positive results in just one month. Although I had used expensive therapeutic options before, they did not help as much as this gel, which has a natural composition. I finished this treatment 2 months ago and my symptoms have not returned. This shows that it is not addictive.

Average rating

Based on 10 reviews on our site, the average rating for this product Wintex Ultra 4.5

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